Sunday 16 February 2014

The secrets to clear skin

Over the past few years I have tried so many different products for my face to get rid of spots and break outs and NOTHING ever seemed to work for me. It used to drive me insane because I used to spend so much money on buying products.. so I thought I would look more into what I could do or what I need to stop doing in order to get spot-free skin so I thought I would share with you some of the things I have done that have really helped me out over the past few years and I have included things that are REALLY important and what you should always do if you don't want any spots!!!

Number one: ALWAYS keep your face clean.. that seems silly but try and wash your face more than twice a day such as in the middle of the day too. Sometimes it is best just to use water and use a simple face scrub. 
Number two: Never keep touching your face with your hands!!!! Your hands will contain all sorts of germs and dirt and that will cause spots.. every time you touch your face you will be rubbing that into your skin and grease and dirt lead to spots so try not to touch your face through-out the day even though it may be tempting.
Number three: This may seem silly.. But what you eat and drink has a big effect on your skin. Greasy food and obviously things like chocolate contain things that will break you out in spots! Try and eat healthy things and stay away from greasy foods and that will keep your spots under control.
Number four: Always change your pillow cases regularly. When you lie on your pillow at night the grease and dirt from your hair go onto your pillow and if you lie on your side it can end up on your face! It is really important to change them regularly so your face will stay clean over night.
Number five: when you wear make up always make sure you get it all off properly at the end of the night. Make sure you use make up wipes, and clean your face well making sure that all make up is off your face because over night it will irritate your skin and that is another way you may get spots.
Number six: DRINK WATER!! if you drink enough water can be so good for your skin.. It actually does help. Water is your best friend if you want to have nice skin!!
Be careful what products you use as some can contain oils which can irritate your face even more! Also if you have sensitive skin you can use ones that are kinder on your skin :)

Your spots will not disappear over night.. it will take time but if you look after your skin, eat well and drink water then they will get better!! Spots don't make you ugly either. We're just human and everybody gets them.. if somebody bullies you because you have spots then ignore them. A lot of teenagers get them as our hormones change so do not worry if you suddenly have a break out of spots. Remember, spots aren't forever and you will get rid of them.. don't let them bring you down.

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